Here is a full list of new and changed features in IBM Cognos Analytics 11.1.0, released on September 29, 2018.
Read more about the Top Cognos Analytics 11.1 Capabilities in our recent blog article.
Upload files and launch components at the same time
Enhanced support for uploaded files:
Support for:
- multi-tab spreadsheets;
- compressed (.zip) file format;
- multi-file upload.
Progress and error details for single-file uploads, consolidated progress percentage for multi-file uploads;
Updating data in uploaded files.
Support for relative dates – easier to do ‘as-of-date’ analysis. Ex: current quarter, quarter-to-date, month-to-date
Enrich Framework Manager relational packages
Shortcuts and their targets provide the same context menu options – ‘Run as’ available from both a report and its shortcut context menus
Faster query execution involving uploaded files and data sets
Explore data in a new flexible workspace or in an existing visualization from a dashboard, story or report.
Related visualizations – The system recommends related visualizations using a combination of statistics and “interestingness” to suggest useful next steps.
Correlated insights – If a data item in a visualization is determined by the system to be a “target”, correlated insights indicate that the system has identified “drivers”.
Driver analysis – generate a visualization to show you key drivers, or predictors, for a target.
Comparison – create a new visualization or two related visualizations and automatically compare data between the two to generate a summary of key information and differences. You can also create a comparison card from existing visualizations or select two data points on an existing visualization to compare.
Copy and paste visualizations – from a dashboard, story, or exploration to another dashboard, story, exploration or report.
Compare by – select one or more data points, ex: bars on a bar chart, right-click and select Compare by, resulting in a new visualization that replaces category of previous chart filtered by your selection.
Assistant – type in English text to discover patterns and relationships in your data, as well as generate visualizations that can be added to an existing dashboard or exploration. Enter text related to your analytical intentions and an AI conversational agent responds with visualizations and other information
Dashboards & Stories
Copy and paste visualizations from a dashboard to another
Canvas layout positioning – set whether relative (widgets adjust to fit screen) or absolute (appear exactly as you size and place them in view, regardless screen size) in properties
Page size – choose pre-set page size for a dashboard such as letter or legal. Set height and width of a dashboard.
Smart visualization recommender – When you drag data items on to report canvas, Cognos Analytics renders visualization that best represents data (you can choose others from list if you don’t like what was selected).
Show grid, snap to grid, and snap to objects – default view for new displays grid on canvas as a guide to snap objects to; you can snap objects to other objects.
Create custom color palettes – view default color palette, change palette, and create your own palettes for dashboards or stories in properties.
Hide tabs – default dashboard style now a tabbed dashboard. Possibility to hide tab if you want only one tab.
Modify colors on tab titles and tab selection indicators – choose basic colors or create custom colors using color picker
Widget title enhancements – modify font family, font size, text color, alignment, and styles
Auto-group – When enabled on a column, ex.: Years, years automatically categorized by a group of years such as a decade.
Reorganized properties – properties pane now grouped by categories such as Canvas, Color and Themes, and Tabs. Groups are collapsible and expandable
Align objects – guidelines appear to assist with alignment with other objects on the canvas when dragging an object on canvas
Size and position widgets from properties pane – align widgets relative to one another, precisely position, and adjust height and width of widgets on dashboard
Customize axis labels for charts
Show visualization data
Launch Explorations
Share dashboards or stories on Slack
Format numbers to display currency and percentage
Insights – enable on a visualization to learn more about data such as average or meaningful differences.
Use selection tool to analyze specific data on a visualization – to highlight an area on a chart or map.
Export as a story – to make a copy of your dashboard and convert it into a story
Matching color palettes on multiple visualizations
New scene templates for stories
Data entrance inside a chart – animate how data is presented within a chart.
Navigate markers in a scene – control how widgets are revealed in a scene
Change story type
New and updated visualizations
Assistant – see above under Explorations section
Guided report layout
New navigation user interface
Smart visualization recommender
New Visualizations
Custom palettes
Enhanced mapping support
Map clustering
- Heatmap
- Reusable styles
Copy and paste – quickly assemble a report by using existing assets – available from a dashboard, a story, or a report to a report
Data Modeling
New user interface experience for creating base data modules
- Improved source selection
- Adding tables manually or engaging the system to discover related tables for you
Multifunctional, robust expression editor
Create folders in data modules
Create new tables by combining existing tables
Create new tables using SQL
Support for relative dates
Data-level security
Data caching
Specify column dependencies
Formatting columns
Splitting columns
Sending messages and content using Slack
Linking to Cognos Analytics content
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