[:en]NewIntelligence’s proprietary QuickStart solution for SAP B1 now supports SAP B1 HANA.

Now, not only SQL server SAP Business One customers can benefit from NI’s QuickStart solution for SAP B1, but SAP B1 HANA users are able to as well.

NewIntelligence developed their Quickstart for SAP B1 in 2017 to help SAP Business One customers better understand, anticipate and shape business outcomes.  NI’s SAP QuickStart is an out-of-the-box fixed cost solution offered at an affordable price that takes just 2-3 weeks to deliver.

NI’s SAP B1 QuickStart solution currently covers 12 modules, including a Financial reporting add-on module.  NewIntelligence is continually adding new functionality to its SAP B1 QuickStart and passing the benefits on to their clients using this solution.

The newest and most recently released Sales Budgeting & Forecasting module was developed from feedback from SAP B1 customers related to challenges that they were facing when it came to Sales Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting.  QuickStart for SAP B1 clients can now have better Sales Budgeting and Forecasting capability with their SAP B1 environment.

For a limited time, NewIntelligence is offering a complimentary set of analytic reports and dashboards featuring your company’s actual sales data.  Take advantage of our offer today!

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