7 Ways to Ensure that your Business Intelligence Strategy is Successful

7 Ways to Ensure that your Business Intelligence Strategy is Successful

The goal of putting a business intelligence (BI) strategy in place is to provide you with the actionable information required to run a successful business.  For your company to be data-driven, all levels, from top management to employees, need to be able to access, view and collaborate with your data from anywhere. Here are 7 keys to a successful business intelligence strategy: 1.      Create a Data-Driven Culture Because BI will...

Trusting your reporting data – Part 2

Trusting your reporting data – Part 2

Rarely, is the truth in plain sight.  When faced with disparate systems, applications, or sources, gathering the data in a single place is only half the battle. The second half of the equation is putting in place a stringent set of data standards that would enable users to slice and dice data in whatever context they need it.  Creating a database that provides a holistic view of all relevant domains and focusing on information content...