Why Finance (And Other Departments) Should Make Use of Business Intelligence Tools

Why Finance (And Other Departments) Should Make Use of Business Intelligence Tools

Your finance department, its valuable members, and their responsibilities are ever-evolving. If they aren’t, they should be for your company to keep up and gain a competitive advantage in the current climate of uncertainty and disruption. If you happen to be working in a finance department with outdated processes and inaccurate data, aiming for innovation might be a game-changer for your day-to-day work and your overall career.   Many...

How IBM Cognos 10 Enterprise customers can give their Consumer Users access to Cognos 10 Functionality

In summer 2014, IBM announced changes in the IBM Cognos User Roles and Definitions.  This new licensing model has made it easier for users to access Cognos 10 capabilities, such as Cognos Workspace, Active Report and Mobile. Cognos customers had their user roles automatically migrated to one of three simplified roles with increased functionality, with the exception of the Consumer license role, which remains unchanged. You can give...