Monitor. Manage. Perform. Scorecarding with IBM Cognos Business Intelligence

Scorecards help you define, monitor and manage your company’s critical metrics. By translating tactics and strategies into specific, measurable objectives, scorecards help you link corporate strategy to operations and ensure that your company’s goals are consistently defined, understood and communicated. IBM Cognos® Business Intelligence includes scorecard capabilities that can pull data from diverse sources and let you present your...

IBM Connections : How the modern business connects for success

With IBM® Connections, companies can infuse ready-to-use, world-class collaboration capabilities through software as a service (SaaS), on-premises and hybrid deployment models. Connections provides enterprise social networks, including communities, rich profiles, blogs, wikis, forums and more. It also supports your entire collaboration environment with mail, file sharing and sync, chat, meetings, collaborative document editing, and...

Choosing a successful structure for your visualization

One of the most important design decisions for visualization, and certainly one of the most visible, is the layout that you use to frame your data. Should you use a graph, a map, a diagram, a chart or something else? When you answer this question, you have determined the structure of your visualization.