IBM Planning Analytics, powered by TM1, is here to stay!

IBM Planning Analytics, powered by TM1, is here to stay!

In December 2016, IBM TM1 effectively became Planning Analytics.  What is Planning Analytics?  IBM took the powerful, multi-dimensional calculation engine of IBM TM1 and added capabilities to make planning, budgeting, forecasting and analysis faster and more flexible than ever before. IBM Planning Analytics provides a unified Web, Excel, and mobile experience for both finance and non-finance users. It goes beyond automating manual...

Forecasting Perfected: How IBM Planning Analytics brings clarity and vision to your data

Budgeting and financial forecasting are critical planning and management disciplines that provide invaluable aid to business managers in the decision-making process. Most companies have business plans in varying forms of sophistication and use, that provide points of comparison to gauge success. Capital and operational funding, whether by personal capital investment, financial loans or some combination of the two is required to drive...

Modernize your Financial Reporting

Modernize your Financial Reporting

NewIntelligence is very excited to announce that we have started a new office of finance practice to help organizations develop, enhance and modernize their financial reporting, analysis and planning solutions with IBM Cognos. It has been our experience that the way that financial professionals interact with their organization’s data is changing.  The question that most CFOs are asking today is, “How do I take control of my...