New Module! If You Run A Service Department, You’ll Want to Read This.

New Module! If You Run A Service Department, You’ll Want to Read This.

If you  run a service department with SAP B1, you’ll want to read on! If your company  handles RMA’s with repair and service calls, the newly released QuickStart Service Module is the perfect way to customize your SAP B1 data for better reporting and visibility on various aspects of your service department. The Service module provides better visibility on which technicians are working on which RMA’s and the time and...

Short Ship is here! NewIntelligence Releases a Brand New Module.

Short Ship is here! NewIntelligence Releases a Brand New Module.

Your teams will love our new module! Short Ship is here and it provides a live and customizable view of your short ship orders! If you work in any company that handles shipping of physical inventory, you probably work with short shipment reports. It’s a dreaded report for some, but so necessary across departments. If your Sales Representatives are having a good month, the report might be a long one, and they might have to spend a lot...

Cognos Analytics in the palm of your hand!

Cognos Analytics in the palm of your hand!

What’s better than having your company’s data analytics right in the palm of your hand? Not much! In our fast-paced world, having access to such information on-the-go is crucial for your organization when data-driven decisions need to be made quickly. The landscape of the workplace has evolved quite a bit over the years, with people going from desktops to laptops, to integrating more and more of their work tools on mobile. For this...

What our partnership with ZAP BI means for you

What our partnership with ZAP BI means for you

NewIntelligence believes in evolving, not only as an organization, but also alongside our customers, as they grow and their needs change. This frame of mind is what encouraged our recent partnership with ZAP BI, which we announced in last month’s press release. A Sneak Peek of NewIntelligence & ZAP BI If you’re still hesitant about the benefits of automating analytics and reporting from SAP Business One and various ERP systems,...

Cognos Analytics 11.1.7 is Here – What’s New?

Cognos Analytics 11.1.7 is Here – What’s New?

IBM made Cognos Analytics 11.1.7 available for download in August 2020.  This is a Long-Term Support (LTSR) release, as it is the final release of the 11.1.x version, which means it will be supported for the next 2-3 years. The Cognos 11.1.7 release has very significant enhancements including the new Cognos Mobile App, API Connectivity, enhancements to report authoring, dashboards, data modules, data sets, scheduling, and sharing...

7 Ways to Ensure that your Business Intelligence Strategy is Successful

7 Ways to Ensure that your Business Intelligence Strategy is Successful

The goal of putting a business intelligence (BI) strategy in place is to provide you with the actionable information required to run a successful business.  For your company to be data-driven, all levels, from top management to employees, need to be able to access, view and collaborate with your data from anywhere. Here are 7 keys to a successful business intelligence strategy: 1.      Create a Data-Driven Culture Because BI will...